Lab news

September, 2022

Welcome Weizhang Wen joining our lab as PhD student.

July, 2022

Welcome Xiaogu (Tina) Du joining the lab as our Lab Manager.

September, 2021

Welcome Joseph Arballo joining our lab as PhD student.

September, 2020

Welcome Jungjae Park and Shya Navazesh joining our lab as graduate students.

June, 2019

Big congratulations to Nicole Doan who graduated from Animal Biology of Graduate Group at UC Davis as a Master.

Dr. Peng Ji attended 2019 NUTRITION CONFERENCE, Baltimore, MD, June 8-12, 2019 and presented ‘A piglet model studying the role of dietary iron on host resilience to Enterotoxigenic E. coli infection in early childhood‘ and ‘Duodenal ferroportin expression in nursing piglets is unreponsive to dietary iron excess‘ (ASN19 Flash session_FS04-01-19) as poster presentations. 

May, 2019

Dr. Peng Ji attended the 8th Congress of the International Bioiron Society (EMBL CONFERENCE), Herdelberg, Germany, May 5-10, 2019 and presented ‘Early-life iron excess causes iron overload and enhances purine degradation via activation of xanthine oxidase in developing hippocampus in a nursery piglet model‘ as a poster presentation (Bioiron – Peng Ji 2019). 

February, 2019

Dr. Peng Ji attended 2019 Multistate ‘W4002: Nutrient Bioavailability – Phytonutrients and Beyond’ annual meeting, at UC Davis, Feb 7-8, 2019.

December, 2018

HOEDOWN HOLIDAY PARTY at Horse Barn. Merry Christmas!

September, 2018

Welcome Byeonghyeon Kim from Chungnam National University joining our lab as visiting student! Byeongyeon will study at UC Davis, from September 2018 to September 2019.

June, 2018

Big congratulations to Joslyn Mendez who graduated from Animal Biology of Graduate Group at UC Davis as a Master.

Dr. Peng Ji attended the 2018 Keystone Symposium: Advances in Neurogenerative Disease Research and Therapy, Keystone, CO, June 17-21, 2018.

Dr. Peng Ji and Nicole Doan attended the 2018 Nutrition Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, June 9-12, 2018.

September, 2017

Welcome our new master student Nicole Doan !

May, 2017

Our group attended 2017 California Animal Nutrition Conference, Fresno, CA, May 10-11.

April, 2017

Dr. Peng Ji attended 2017 Experimental Biology Conference, Chicago, April 22-26.

February, 2017

Zhaohai Wu joined our lab as Visiting Student. Welcome!

November, 2016

Dr. Peng Ji attended the 2nd Elite Cattlemen Program Alliance Annual Conference at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, Nov. 11-13. Dr. Peng Ji gave a invited talk ‘Improve welfare of dairy cattle through enhanced calving management‘.

September, 2016

Vivian Perng joined the lab as Junior Specialist. Welcome our new master student Joslyn Mendez!

July, 2016

Dr. Peng Ji attended 2016 ASAS-ADSA-CSAS-WSASAS Joint Annual Meeting at Salt Lake City, UT, July 19 to 23.

May, 2016

Dr. Peng Ji attended ‘Large Dairy Herd Management’ Conference at Oakbrook, CA, May 1 to 4.